Sunday, August 27, 2017

How to make a healthy living by eating soursop leaves feel the benefits

How to make a healthy living by eating soursop leaves feel the benefits

How to make a healthy living by eating soursop leaves feel the benefits Soursop plants that have many benefits for the health of soursop is a fruit that comes from the forests of South America, Africa and Southeast Asia.

This is a green banyan tree that is every part is useful and has a fruit-tasting effect This fruit is very delicious with a sharp aroma and sweet sour taste which is basically a combination of pineapple and strawberry flavor.
Graviola receives attention and popularity because of the nature of killing natural cancer cells.

 Apart from its anti-cancer properties, it has several other medical benefits. Soursop leaves are the most beneficial part of this tree. They contain compounds, Annomurine Higenamine Acetogenin Reticuline Loreximine. Tanin Alkaloid Annocatacin, Annocatalin Annohexocin Annonacin, Annomuricin, Anomurine, Anonol, Gentisic acid caclourine, Linoleic acid, Gigantetronin Muricapentocin. Asimycin and squamosin.

 Scientific research conducted by The National Cancer Institute has proved that soursop leaves can effectively attack and destroy cancer cells. In addition, they are also used in the treatment of several other diseases. Soursop Health Benefits: Soursop leaf is rich in several compounds including protein, calcium, fructose, fat, vitamins A and B and the like.

Thus, the leaves have excellent medicinal properties that can be useful as a herb in some herbal health products. The health benefits of soursop leaves are as follows.

 1. Cancer Treatment: Soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cells and cure cancer more quickly and effectively than chemotherapy that result in some side effects other than expensive. In fact, research has proven that soursop has an active ingredient that is 10000 times stronger than chemotherapy in the fight against cancer cells. Thus, soursop leaves can treat various types of cancer including prostate cancer, lung and breast. For treatment, boil 10 soursop leaves in 3 cups water until only one glass of water, strain and chill and drink this herb every morning for 3-4 weeks to find out the condition improvements. Soursop leaf cancer treatment is one of the most powerful drugs to date.

 2. Uric Acid Treatment: Eating soursop leaves can be very helpful in treating gout. In fact, many alternative drugs using soursop leaves for the treatment of uric acid. For this purpose, take 6 to 10 soursop leaves that are old but stay green and clean. Boil the leaves in 2 cups of water and let it boil until one cup of water is left. This herb should be taken twice a day ie morning and evening to get maximum benefits.

 3. Treatment Back Pain: Back pain is usually experienced lately, especially during exercise. Using chemical drugs for back pain can cause side effects. Soursop leaf is an effective herbal remedy for treating back pain without negative effects. You can boil 20 soursop leaves in 5 cups water until only 3 glasses of water remaining. Drink ¾ cup of this herb once a day to remove it.

4. Eczema and Rheumatic Treatment: Rheumatic diseases are generally observed in the elderly, causing great pain. Soursop leaf is a natural treatment for arthritis pain. For this purpose, mask the soursop leaves until it becomes smooth and apply on areas of the body that are exposed to pain due to arthritis and eczema, regularly twice daily.

5. Diabetes Treatment: Normal sugar levels range from 70 mg to 120 mg. Nutrition in soursop leaves is believed to stabilize blood sugar levels in the normal range. In addition, soursop leaf extract can be used as one of the natural diabetes solutions. All this makes this leaf useful for diabetics.

6. Boost Immune System and Prevent Infection: The nutritional content of soursop leaves is believed to boost the immune system and avoid infection in the body. Boil 4/5 soursop leaves in 4 cups of water until one cup of water is fixed and drink this herb regularly once a day for beneficial results.

7. Other benefits: In addition to the benefits mentioned above, soursop leaves are very effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria, viruses, parasites and tumor development. Their healing properties make them capable of being used as an anti-seizure drug. They are also able to reduce fever and lower high blood pressure. They help in treating inflammation and swelling legs. They help digestion and increase appetite. The consumption of soursop leaves regularly helps in increasing stamina and facilitates rapid recovery of the disease.The Benefits of Soursop Leaf Skin: Because the efficacy of the medicine leaves soursop is very beneficial for health. As indicated earlier, they are used in the treatment of some of the most deadly diseases. The leaves offer some skin benefits as well.

 8. Ulcer Treatment: Ulcers are skin disorders characterized by tremendous pain and even have an increased risk of infection. Ulcers can occur on the body or in the face, thus disrupting the health and beauty of your skin. Soursop leaf is a natural remedy for healing ulcers. You can take some young soursop leaves and put them on the body affected by ulcers.

 9. Eczema Treatment: As stated earlier, soursop leaves can treat eczema naturally. You can pound some soursop leaves and apply them in the affected area twice daily on a regular basis. This will help ease the pain caused by eczema in addition to treating it. Pulp made with fresh soursop leaves and rose water when applied to the skin can be very useful in preventing the occurrence of blackheads and other skin problems as well.

10.Improve fertility. namely increasing the number of sper-ma in men and strengthen rahimbagi woman.

 11.prevent and eliminate the hair and egg lice quickly. heart health with a maximum of

13. Containing natural minerals that can help improve milk production in pregnant women.

14. Overcome the constriction of blood vessels, so the circulation becomes more smoothly.

15. Overcoming the dizziness caused by stress Strengthens the digestive system and absorption of food nutrition.

16.prevent cancer breast, prostate, lungs, and pancreas

17.prevent and treat tumors, cysts, and myomas Inhibits the growth of parasites in the body, and worms.

 18. Overcoming the tense muscles and stiff rheumatic anti-seizure There are

two ways to get the benefits of soursop leaves, among others:

 1. With how to eat, here's how to wash 5-10 leaves of green soursop leaves and fresh Boil with 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups Drink while warm Or Wash soursop leaves 5-10 strands of blander until smooth Boil with 4 cups water until remaining 2 cups Strain and drink while warm Can also be processed into soursop leaf tea.

Here is how to make soursop leaf tea:

 Choose fresh soursop leaves but not too old and not too young Make sure to wash it first Setelh it soursop leaves soursop leaves so that soursop leaves can be extracted perfectly when brewed Dry soursop leaves, and preferably with an oven with Temperature 60 degrees Celsius to the water content of only 8 percent Can also be dried in the sun but this will reduce the content of soursop leaves. Soursop leaf

tea is ready to be packed and consumed. If you want to consume 2 tablespoons soursop leaf in 200ml boiling water, wait until warm nails then add honey to add flavor.

2. Used as an outside remedy the following way: Blander soursop leaf green fresh enough Use to compress or mask or paste on the wounded skin How to Treat the leaves of Soursop Mejadi Fresh and Delicious To be able to you regular consumption, in addition to the above way you also Can make a nice drink fresh dab from soursop leaf. The following way:

 1. Pure soursop juice delicious and fresh Ingredients:

50 grams of green and fresh soursop leaves 1-2 tablespoons of pure honey 150 cc mature water Ice cubes How to make soursop juice delicious and fresh as follows:

Wash leaf Soursop until completely clean Blander soursop leaves until smooth along with 150 cc boiled water. Strain and discard the dregs and pour the soursop leaves into the glass, Add the honey as sweetener, Enter Ice

2. Green smoothies soursop leaves mix fruit Ingredients: 1 handful of soursop leaf 100 grams kiwi fruit 100 grams citrus fruit 1 slice ginger 1 teaspoon Walnut seeds How to make green smoothies:

Wash off soursop leaves and cut into small pieces Sweet orange juice Sweet orange juice taken Blander soursop leaf that has been cut into small pieces until smooth together with sweet orange juice, kiwi fruit, and ginger. Strain and Pour the smoothies into the glass, add a walnut topping To refresh the ice cubes

Note: For people with low blood pressure and pregnant women is not recommended to consume boiled water soursop leaves.

How to get rid of acne and acne scars with soursop leaves

 1. Drink boiled water soursop leaves Consume boiled water soursop leaves useful for tightening the skin and prevent skin wrinkles and help remove acne from the inside, how to boil 10 helain leaves with 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup only , drink this boiled water 2 times a day.

 2. Soursop leaf mask How to deal with acne can with soursop leaves mask. The way is to mash 10 soursop leaves that are still green until smooth kamudian mix with roses water bath and stirred flat to menyrupai pasta, use as a mask and let stand for 30 minutes.

 Note: for pregnant women is not recommended to consume boiled water soursop leaf.

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