Monday, September 4, 2017

how to remove blackheads in a healthy and safe way

how to remove blackheads in a healthy and safe way

how to remove blackheads in a healthy and safe way In this case we will discuss about the problem of blackheads to remove forever from you blackheads are indeed severe problems sometimes make you uncomfortable with it.

and we will give you a little solution for that.

1. How to overcome blackheads with lemon

traditionally lemon can remove your blackheads with a powerful. This is because the content of anti-oxidants and vitamin C in the lemon is very effective to remove dead skin cells on the face, and serves to prevent various other skin problems.

The following way:
 Slice the lemon into two parts Wash your face first with warm water Then apply lemon on the face mengkedo as massage-massage using lemon Do this therapy 2-3 times a week, blackheads will be clean for you.

 2. Coping with blackheads with Salt Salt Who would have thought Kitchen salt we can use to deal with blackheads dihidung / face well.

Powerful salt to remove blackheads because salt works as a useful scrub to clean up dirt and oil levels that hide in your pores bailk. how to remove blackheads with salt is as follows:

Wash your face with warm water Then take salt 3 spoonfuls, put salt into warm water and let it not need to be stirred so that the grains of salt will crystallize which this serves as a natural scrub.

The next step wash your face with water scrub from the salt and let it dry for about 15 minutes. Then wash your face with clean water.

3. How to remove blackheads with Soybeans Soybeans contain protein, calcium and other nutrients that are beneficial for the health of your skin.

In particular, soybeans are also the best and most effective alternative to combat blackheads. Here's how to remove blackheads with soybeans:

Soak 50mg soybeans to water for about 3-4 hours Then wash and then soybeans diblander until smooth How to use it just apply on the face evenly teruama on the face of the face mengkedo Leave a few minutes to dry Then wash your face with clean, cold water.

 4. How to Overcome Blackheads naturally with wheat Wheat pasta is famous for its efficacy to whiten the skin, besides wheat pasta is also proven mengejangkan blackheads, even stubborn blackheads though, therefore do not have to hesitate to use the grain to remove blackheads, here's how Wheat Flour best to taste Add warm water and stir it evenly to resemble the paste Clean the face first with warm water, dry and use wheat paste as a mask Let the wheat paste dry, about 30 minutes Rinse back with cold water.

 5. How to remove blackheads with baking soda Usually baking soda is used to remove acne that functioned as a scrub. besides baking soda you can also use to remove blackheads quickly.

 Here's how to remove blackheads with baking soda Baking soda dissolved with warm water and stirred to resemble a paste Use baking soda paste as a scrub by rubbing on a face that berkedo Let a moment to dry rinse with warm water, please see the results.

 6. How to overcome blackheads with ice cubes Maybe you do not know After drinking ice, the remaining ice cream do not throw away because ice cubes you can use to overcome blackheads.

 The trick is simply rub the ice cubes on the face area that mengkedo. in addition to eliminating blackheads ice cubes are also useful to minimize the pores of your face.

But to be more effective here is how to remove blackheads with several combinations of Water steeping green tea mixed with honey and lime juice Enter into the frezzer until frozen Rub on the face that mengkedo until the ice is exhausted.

7. How to remove blackheads with orange peel Not only the orange flesh that bemanfaat for beauty, even orange peel can you use to remove blackheads on the face Here's how to remove blackheads with orange peel:

 Paste the orange peel on the face area that mengkedo Let a few moments, and lift or by puree the orange rind with blander Then mix it with fine sugar Rub it on the face or nose that blackheads like scrub Do this way until the blackheads disappear.

I think you also need to know the cause of blackheads Including important for you to know.

 1. Blackheads caused by the production of oil on the face of excessive The cause of the appearance of blackheads in the nose / face of the most influential is due to the production of excess oil on facial skin this is the majority experienced by someone who has the type of oily skin and often sweat.

When the face is oily and sweaty face will feel sticky and dirt easily attached to your face, consequently the pores will be easily clogged face.

If not immediately cleaned this is what will cause the appearance of blackheads.

2. Blackheads caused due to Use of excessive makeup Basically the use of excessive makeup is exactly the same as above.

The use of excessive makeup makes your skin almost completely covered, this is certainly the cause of facial skin is difficult to breathe, it should be for women to not forget to wash your face with face soap to make up on your face really exhausted so there is no more that clings and clogs your facial pores with various cosmetics, such as moisturizer, face powder, and other types of makeup

 3. Blackheads caused by smoke Cigarette The cause of blackheads can also be caused by cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke contains small particles such as very fine dust if the face is too often exposed to cigarette smoke of course this is also a factor causing the appearance of blackheads on your nose and face.

4. Blackheads caused by alcohol and caffeine Having a habit of drinking alcohol and caffeine not only adversely affect your internal organs, but also bad for your skin.

 Caffeine can damage the skin by stimulating the oil glands to produce much more oil than usual. While alcohol can make your sleep patterns become irregular and this is also one of the causes of the emergence of blackheads on your nose and face.

5. Blackheads caused by Stress It turns out that stress is also one of the causes of the emergence of blackheads dihedung or your face.

This is because usually stress makes a person manjadi indifferent, lazy, and attitude do not want to know then naturally arrived -tiba you are lazy to care for the body.

6. Causes of blackheads due to lack of drinking water Better to drink white water is normally 8 glasses a day, because drinking water will stabilize all body organs including skin, so washing the face with water can moisturize the skin naturally so avoid the emergence of blackheads dihidung or face you.

7. Blackheads caused by touching the face by hand Who would have thought touching the face can cause blackheads on your nose / face, this is because the hand is a place of hinggapnya various dirt, bacteria and germs.

 Then you should get used to bringing the face tissue to prevent your hands from direct contact with the face.

8. Blackheads caused by scalp and dirty hair Kullit head and dirty hair will produce excessive oil, if the head sweat to flow into the face then this is also a big factor causing the appearance of blackheads diwajah / dihidung you.

Here are our tips for your blackhead problem.

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