Saturday, August 26, 2017



HEALTHY LIVING WITH THE POWER AND BENEFITS OF MORINGA OLIEFERA. Moringa oleifera plant may be you know with this plant or no one knows the plants Moringa oleifera. Moringa oleifera for this plant has great benefits for the body, anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory containing high polyphenols, which serves as an antioxidant that is useful to detoxify the human body that will boost the immune system so as not easily attacked by disease.

 Because of the many benefits and properties of the scientists call it The Miracle Tree "(Plant Magic) Plant Moringa oleifera is a plant of the Moringaceae tribe that has a stem of about 7 to 11 meters tall, with a yellowish-white flowers that smell with the smell of fragrant odor, and has a fruit with a triangular shape extends Have done research on moringa oliefera leaf plants, both on the leaves, bark, fruit and seeds, known since 1980 the majority of the population countries Somalia, etiopoa and sudan make leaf moringa oliefera as a vegetable and believed useful to keep health, and even the results of this plant they are traded WHO (World health organization) recommends that children and infants who are still growing to consume leaf moringa oliefera for nutritious to maintain and improve immunity and prevent malnutrition in children. Show that leaves m Oringa oliefera contains all the essential elements of amino acid (essential).

 Except for vitamin C, all nutrients contained in fresh moringa oliefera leaves will increase (concentration) if consumed by dried and mashed in the form of powder (flour). Facts Moringa oleifera benefits will be even greater if processed into moringa oleifera leaf powder than if leaf moringa oliefera consumed directly as a soup But despite the benefits and efficacy for good health stay if consumed regularly.

In addition it has found the amazing essential nutrients in moringa oliefera leaves, among others, contain potassium three times more than bananas. Calcium content in moringa oliefera leaves Four times more than milk. In leaf moringa oliefera contain Vitamin C Seven times more than oranges. And the ingredients of vitamin A in the leaves of moringa oliefera Four times more than in carrots and double the protein than milk. there are benefits and efficacy of moringa oliefera as follows:

 1. Benefits of moringa oliefera leaf to treat Heart Disease A scientific study conducted in laboratory animals published in the February 2009 issue of "Journal of Medicinal Food" explains the benefits of leaf moringa oliefera can prevent damage Heart and useful as an antioxidant. The study explains that dosing 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight daily for 30 days results in lower levels of oxidized lipids and protected cardiac tissue from structural damage. Therefore the experts concluded that the benefits of leaf moringa oliefera very significant for heart health.

 2. Benefits of moringa oliefera leaf as an anti-cancer Study of tissue culture of human cervical cancer cells published in the June 2011 issue of the journal "Food and Chemical Toxicology." The study explains that Moringa leaf extract is useful for supporting early cell death, preventing cell growth and reproduction. Cancer cells. Leading researchers concluded that Moringa leaves showed potential for natural prevention.

3. Benefits leaf moringa oliefera anti diabetes Zinc nutrition on the leaves of moringa oliefera is a useful mineral for insulin production. In scientific studies have conducted trials in laboratory animals published in the June 2012 edition of the "Journal of Diabetes," Each giving extracts of 150 milligrams is beneficial as a significant anti diabetic.

4. Benefits of leaf moringa oliefera to overcome allergies are also effective and powerful to overcome allergies by taking three sticks and boiled, plus pulasari secukupnya, one clove of onion, with water as much as three cups, boil until boiling water and the remaining two cups. Then filtered and drank every day on a regular basis.

 5. Efficacy leaf moringa oliefera to treat herpes disease, ringworm and wound fester, The disease you can treat with Moringa leaves by way of: mash the seven leaves kelor leaf until smooth and diitempelkan on the skin allergy problem.

6. Benefits of moringa oliefera leaves to treat sore eyes If you suffer from sore eyes immediately with moringa oliefera leaves the way it is three stems kelor leaf diblander until smooth and add 100ml water. Then squeezed until they get the Moringa leaf juice. Use leaf juice as an eyewash or simply drop.

7. Benefits daunmoringa oliefera can overcome jaundice Called jaundice because the disease is characterized by yellow organs usually on the eyes, nails, and other limbs. This disease is actually due to swelling of the liver caused by the virus. to overcome jaundice you can use the herb leaves moringa oliefera how to mash until smooth 3-7 sticks kelor leaf add 1 glass green coconut water then squeeze and strain. Before drinking should add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink this concoction once a day until the jaundice heals.

 8. Efficacy leaf moringa oliefera Helps cure eyes Night bled and eye irritation Mash until completely smooth 3 handle leaf oliefera then brewed with 1 cup boiling water let stand a few moments while stirring then strain. Wait until cool or warm nails then add with a few spoons of pure honey. Drink this concoction before bedtime .

9. Benefits of moringa leaf oliefera to lose weight Got a problem of obesity or obesity, or belly fat would make you suffer and appear not confident. If this is your problem, try to solve it with moringa oliefera leaves. By consuming Moringa leaf tea regularly and regularly is very helpful to deal with digestive problems, thus stimulating the metabolism to burn calories faster. Because kelor tea is easily absorbed into the intestine.

 10. Benefits of leaf moringa oliefera as a provider of energy With regularly consume kelor leaf tea every morning beneficial to strengthen body parts to stay pro active throughout the whole day. The body will automatically feel good and energized from before.

11. Leaves moringa oliefera nutritious as a provider of nutrition Tea moringa oliefera very important role to maintain the brain and eyes. Brain nutrition helps her to make the right decisions even in difficult situations.

12. Benefits of leaf moringa oliefera to Eliminate facial spots, whiten the skin, eliminate acne and blackheads Not only the disease even leaves moringa oliefera we can use to overcome the black spots, pimples and blackheads on the face how: blender a handful of young kelor leaves to really Fine then used for powder or can also mixed with powder as mask let stand 25-30 minutes then wash again.

 13. Leaves moringa oliefera as a source of iron Maybe not everyone knows that the young leaves are usually consumed iron contains three times greater than the leaves of spinach.

14. Leaves moringa oliefera as a source of essential amino acids In the leaves there is an essential amino acid is a protein element that serves to repair and maintain the body's cells. The human body is capable of producing only about 10 to 12 amino acids while 8 types of essential amino acids must be met through the daily dietary intake of nutrients.

15. The roots of moringa oliefera plant can overcome various diseases While the roots of plants can be used as a traditional medicine to improve the circulatory system, prevent inflammation, increase appetite, good for digestion, and no less interesting is the leaf moringa oliefera useful to overcome male virility. And female reproductive tract problems.

16. Leaves moringa oliefera without side effects Consuming in large quantities will not adversely affect health, because there is absolutely no side effects either when consumed by adults or by children.

17. Leaf moringa oliefera This helps to reduce some of the symptoms of diabetes. Moringa leaf powder has been effective in reducing lipid and glucose levels and regulating oxidative stress in diabetic patients, which means lowering blood sugar and cholesterol and increasing protection against cell damage.

 How to Make Tea Leaves moringa oliefera Provide leaves moringa oliefera dark green as much as possible and then dry, but do not dry under the sun or diopen, because drying leaves oliefera moringa will reduce even eliminate the leaf content Leaves moringa oliefera tea that has been dried and crushed Until smooth, keep the tea leaves in a dry and tight place.

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