Thursday, August 31, 2017

list the benefits of bananas for your health

list the benefits of bananas for your health Bananas are the most fruits in the taste of many people they have a delicious taste and delicious taste of its sweet and contains enough nutritional value of them that thrive every year specifically in asia landmark and spread to the world they have many types and sizes.

 Bananas are very good for heart health and digestion, weight loss of skin, hair, and foods easily digested body contains vitamins A'B'C and E One medium-sized banana (118 grams) containing (1, 2, 3): Potassium: 9% from RDI. Vitamin B6: 33% of RDI. Vitamin C: 11% of RDI. Magnesium: 8% of RDI. Copper: 10% of RDI. Manganese: 14% of RDI. Clean carbohydrate: 24 grams. Fiber: 3.1 grams. Protein: 1.3 grams. Fat: 0.4 grams. Each banana contains only about 105 calories, and almost consists of water and carbohydrates.


 1. Bananas add energy to the banana body contains nutrients moderate blood sugar levels can be converted from sugar to natural energy and many athletes consume them regularly.

 Banana is one of the most excellent fruits to consume for children and adults as it provides the energy necessary to perform daily activities.

However, this may not apply to diabetics, who may have to avoid eating a lot of ripe bananas and monitor their blood sugar carefully while eating it.

 2. Maintain Blood Pressure Bananas contain potassium which can help keep blood pressure. Consuming calcium, potassium, and magnesium can lower high blood pressure.

Bananas are rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium, is one of the healthy options to lower blood pressure.

 3. Lower Cholesterol Bananas contain fiber called pectin. Pectin is a soluble fiber that can help to lower cholesterol levels.

According to the researchers, soluble fiber such as pectin, psyllium, beta-glucan, can lower LDL cholesterol without interrupting HDL cholesterol.

 Bananas contain mainly two types of fiber Pectin: Decreases when bananas are cooked. Starch resistance: Found on raw bananas. The long-lasting bacteria escaped digestion and ends up in our colon, where it becomes a food for beneficial bacterial intestines 11, 12, 13. In addition, some cell studies suggest that pectin can help protect against colon cancer.

4. Maintaining Kidney Health Bananas are one source of potassium which, when consumed regularly in moderation, can maintain kidney health. International Journal of Cancer states that bananas are rich in antioxidant phenolic compounds that when consumed with cabbage and green vegetables can maintain kidney health.

5. Bananas Improve Nerve Function and Brain Power Bananas are a rich source of B vitamins that can improve nerve function.

Potassium contained in bananas can also improve mental ability and learning ability.

 6. Reduce the Risk of Cancer Consuming bananas on a regular basis can reduce the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer.

 This is because bananas are rich in antioxidants and medium-sized banana fiber foods contain about 3 grams of fiber.

7. Bananas Overcoming Stomach Injuries Bananas contain certain substances that can stimulate the cells that form the lining of the stomach, this can overcome stomach acid.

 The substance is also known as a protease inhibitor in bananas that can help remove bacteria in the stomach that produce heartburn, thus protecting against various damage to the stomach and ulcers.

8.Mengobati Diarrhea Consuming bananas is one option that can treat diarrhea effectively. Bananas can also help regulate fluid balance.

9. Treating Constipation Bananas contain a fiber called pectin. Pectin can lower cholesterol, but pectin can also help treat constipation and improve bowel function.

10. resolve Stomach Injury Bananas contain certain substances that can stimulate the cells that form the lining of the stomach, this can overcome stomach acid.

The substance is also known as a protease inhibitor in bananas that can help remove bacteria in the stomach that produce heartburn, thus protecting against various damage to the stomach and ulcers.

 11. Overcoming Anemia Bananas are very good for consumption of anemia, this is because bananas contain high iron which can help increase the hemoglobin in the body.

 12. Preventing Allergies Bananas contain benign amino acids that can help allergies.

 13. Overcoming Drunk Banana fruit mixed with honey and yoghurt can overcome the hangover.

14. Helps Lose Weight Bananas contain lots of fiber and low in fat, bananas are also easily digested.

100 grams has a content of about 90 calories. Banana fruit is also suitable to serve as one of the menu of fruits for the diet.

15. Preventing Insomnia Bananas are rich in amino acids known as Tryptophan. The substance can trigger the production of melatonin (sleep hormone) that can help to sleep. Eating a banana a few hours before bedtime can help make sleep more soundly.

16. Reduce Inflammation Because of Mosquito Bites Itching and swelling from mosquito bites can be reduced by rubbing the inside of the banana on top.

17. Reduce the Symptoms of Mood Changes, and Overcome Depression Bananas contain vitamin B6, serotonin, tryptophan, dopamine, which can reduce symptoms, mood changes, and overcome depression.


 1. Natural Moisturizer Banana fruit can be used as a natural moisturizer for your skin.

 This is because bananas contain vitamin A that can restore lost moisture and repair damaged skin, dull skin, and dry.

 Way, destroy the bananas that have been cooked and apply on the face.

 Avoid contact with eyes and leave your skin for 20-25 minutes, then wash with warm water. If you want to make the skin becomes softer and more flexible, add honey to the banana.

This can help in removing skin pigmentation. You can also create other facial masks that can moisturize the skin. Way, mash the banana is half cooked and mixed with 1 tbsp yogurt and 1 tsp vitamin E oil. Apply on a clean face and wash if it is 30 minutes.

 2. Overcoming Skin wrinkles bananas can also be used to overcome wrinkles. Apply a banana peel on the wrinkled area for 15 minutes every day.

3. Overcoming Acne Banana skin can also be useful to overcome acne. Cut a small banana skin and rub it on the skin of acne.

 Rub for about 5 minutes. Clean the skin around with warm water but let the skin contained acne was not cleaned with water first. Repeat at least 3 times a day.

4. Eliminate Eye Pouch Destroy half a banana and apply to the area around the eyes. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Eyelids can disappear, this is because bananas are rich in potassium which can remove eye bags.


 1. Soften Hair Combine ripe bananas with avocado and add coconut milk. Apply on your hair and wait for 15-20 minutes.

 You can also add cocoa. Cocoa can be useful to make hair black.

2. Brighten peeled banana hair and add 1/4 cup olive oil and 1 egg whites, put in blender.

Blend for a few minutes. Apply to hair for 15 minutes and Wash by using shampoo.

3. Prevent Hair Loss Bananas can also prevent hair loss. How to destroy the banana fruit that has been cooked with yoghurt.

Apply to scalp and get rid of 15-20 minutes then rinse with cold water.

4. Overcoming Dry Hair By mixing bananas and honey can cope with hair loss.

 Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with ripe bananas that have been crushed and apply to the hair while still wet. Leave it for 15-20 minutes then wash.

 Bananas are easily digested then the consumption of bananas before eating may be some of the benefits of bananas for the body.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How to lose weight in a natural way quickly

How to lose weight in a natural way quicklyHow to lose weight in a natural way quickly

How to lose weight in a natural way quickly that makes you stress and frustrated with your weight getting worse. maybe for some people's weight is the worst disaster of your life. It keeps you at the judge for your situation and makes your self-esteem decrease.

Weight loss does cause problems one of his hard to find suitable clothes, and others Not a few men, especially women very proud if you have a slim body with ideal body weight.

By having an ideal body will make them more confident and can work with a comfortable and healthy and it can also be easier when buying the size of clothing. Because it is not strange if many people are willing to do various ways in order to lose weight.

Not always weight gain because you stout eating a lot of factors cause it better you recognize first some factors Cause useless weight reduction when continuing to do things that can make your weight back up.

This modern weight stress is one of the biggest problems for everyone because it can cause a variety of health problems. Among the stress can trigger impotence and make weight loss drastically.

Because in times of stress the bio chemical process will be aroused in the body, and make the body's metabolism becomes slower. In addition, stress will make the body issued a hormone that is not controlled kartisol, so the appetite will increase. And it can be ascertained within a few days the weight will rise drastically.

Age increases Generally at the age of 40 years and over burning calories in the body will begin to decrease because of body activity is not as it used to. In this condition the body will experience weight gain quickly especially when eating foods high in fat. Therefore, in addition to performing regular exercise routine every day should reduce fatty foods when it has entered the age of 40 years and above.

Too much sugar consumption Foods that contain too much sugar are foods that are not too important for your body's health because the role of sugar has been replaced by carbohydrates that have been processed by the body, resulting in power. choose Low Carbohydrate Diet If you want to lose weight you should start by avoiding sugar and starch (like bread). This is an old idea of ​​the number of unlimited weight loss diets based on eating fewer carbs. What's new is that modern scientific studies have proven, yes, low carbohydrates are the most effective way to lose weight.

 Obviously still may lose weight on any diet is enough to eat fewer calories are found in obese patients or overweight because it consumes too many foods in which contain lots of sugar. Whether it is self-processed or food and instant drinks, such as softdrink.

Medical Conditions One example is the lack of thyroid hormone, which is often known as hypothyroidism is a common medical condition that leads to weight gain.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism are usually characterized by sleeping too much and feeling lethargic. Drugs When experiencing health problems we often consume drugs, whether the drugs are prescribed directly by the doctor or buy directly at the drug store. Did you know, drugs can make fat if consumed continuously.

As for drugs that can make fat, such as hypertension drugs, headache medicine, and various other drugs. But you do not have to worry we'll give you some tips for you to lose weight in a healthy and natural way to quickly do it regularly.

#The Weight Loss Foods During this time food and drinks are assumed to be the main trigger for weight gain drastically. But not all of them because there are also foods and drinks that can lose weight quickly.

1. Consume hot chocolate Hot chocolate proven to lose weight quickly.

 Because every cup of hot chocolate contained many antioxidants that play a big role in lowering the hormone causes fat in the body increased dramatically, the hormone kartisol. When the hormone kartisol grow in large amounts of fat in the body will increase rapidly, resulting in increased body weight becomes uncontrollable.

When the amount of hormone kartisol decreased the amount of fat in the body will also participate eroded, so the weight quickly decreases. Based on the results of one study conducted in the city of Copenhagen is mentioned when consuming hot chocolate while on a diet is appropriate.

Why? because based on research conducted by one university, namely Cornell University found that the concentration of antioxidants in hot chocolate five times greater than black tea.

Antioxidants contained in the hot chocolate will erode the fat in the body, so that excess weight and distended abdomen can be removed. From now on if you are one of the many people who want to lose weight, then consume hot chocolate on a regular basis.

 2. Eating vegetables soup soup has a variety of benefits for your body's health, especially to lose weight. Because in the vegetable soup is contained many substances that can erode the fat in the body.

No wonder the soup becomes a favorite menu of many people especially who are on a diet. It is not incontrovertible if the soup is very beneficial for the health of the body, especially the soup that contains chicken meat with the addition of fresh vegetables.

The famous chest part of its low fat content as well as fresh vegetables will make eating s increases and the body is also getting healthier.

In addition to the content in it can indeed remove fat in the body, so that weight can go down. The soup can also reduce the excessive portion of the meal because the water soup will make your stomach more easily satiety, so that weight is always stable and awake.

3. Eggs and sausages Another easy way that can help you lose weight is by eating eggs with sausages. Both types of foods are proven to help reduce body weight quickly and safely.

Based on the observations of health experts found when consuming eggs and sausages will make weight drop dramatically.

This is because in the eggs and sausages contain lots of proteins that make the stomach more easily satiated when consuming. A great appetite will be drastically reduced. Simply by consuming both of these foods your stomach will feel full and reluctant to consume other foods. You can make eggs and sausage as the main menu at breakfast and in the evening.

Hopefully by making it as the main menu, then your appetite will be easily fulfilled. This is also accompanied by weight loss will be reduced because the desire to eat excessive can already be controlled. 4. Nuts Nuts are seeds that have a size tend to be larger than cereals. As quoted from wikipedia is also known when the nuts are not only consumed by humans alone, but also used as food for livestock.

Generally the plant that is included as a type of beans is a nut that is included in the family Fabaceae. Several types of young harvested beans such as peas, beans, and edamame are not referred to as beans. It's been a long time since nuts are believed to lose weight.

Because in many nuts contained fiber foods that are scientifically proven to help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, nuts are rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, folate. All these substances play a big role for the health of the human body.

One type of nuts that can reduce body weight is almonds. By consuming almond weight will go down because when consuming the stomach will feel full, so that the stomach feels full and will eat only a little.

5. Coffee Coffee is one of the world's beverages and is almost consumed by residents almost all over the world. At least coffee has been consumed and cultivated in 50 countries in the world even more.

Coffee itself comes from coffee beans that have been roasted and mashed and then brewed. Seduhan this is taken while relaxing or in a certain moment. As a daily drink coffee not only rely on the taste is delicious, but the aroma is also no less interesting.

 many people are fond of coffee as a favorite drink. For you who want to lose weight is also recommended to consume coffee regularly. Because coffee can increase your metabolism thanks to a healthy dose of antioxidant chlorogenic acid (CGA). This acid will burn fat deposits in the body.

In addition, the chemical compounds present in the coffee will slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream and decrease insulin resistance which is useful to prevent weight gain.

 In addition to helping you lose weight, coffee also has other benefits because inside the coffee contained caffeine. This caffeine content can help suppress the growth of cancer cells, reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus, and prevent heart attacks.

#. Lose Weight With Sports Sports is a fast and easy way to be done by anyone who wants to lose weight because when doing sports movement will burn fat in the body, so weight will go down.

Here are some of the most appropriate exercises to lose weight quickly: Exercise 1: Swimming One sport that is proven to help burn fat in the body quickly to re-ideal weight is swimming.

This exercise is done by doing the movement in the water, either by using a special style or freestyle.

For you who want to lose weight do swimming regularly every day or at least 3 times a week. By routinely doing pool fat deposits in the body will burn, so the weight becomes more ideal.

This is because every swimming takes at least 500 more calories burned. However it is advisable to avoid sugary drinks and sparkle let alone mixed with ice (cold) especially after a swim.

Because this type of drink will make fat deposits increase and your efforts to lose weight to be in vain. Sports 2: Sit Up In addition to swimming other sports that can help burn fat in the body, especially in the abdomen is sit ups.

Exercise that can also help strengthen the abdominal muscles is fairly easy to do sports. But for the results can be spelled out very effective as long as done routinely. As for how to do sit ups are as follows: 1. Lie down with the position facing up.

2. Straighten your body and raise your hands behind your head.

3. Lift the body slowly then restore the original position by making the legs, hips, and stomach as pedestal.

 4. Ask for help from friends or other people to hold your legs to sit up really well.

 5. When doing the first time just do the ability, do not push yourself let alone to the injury because the key to success in losing weight by doing sit ups is sustainable not just once. In addition to making the ideal weight, sit ups can also help burn belly fat, train the abdominal muscles to be stronger, burn fat in other parts of the body and shrink the belly. Sports

3: Push Up Other sports that you can do to lose weight are push ups.

Exercise that is proven to strengthen the muscles of the hands, feet, and chest can be a mainstay when the weight feels excessive.

Because when the movement of push-up burning calories in the body will increase, so the fat burning will certainly affect the weight is also reduced. Push up is a sport that is included as one type of exercise that plays a major role in strengthening the biceps and triceps.

Bicep muscle is a muscle whose position is on the front. While the tricep muscle opposite of the biceps muscle, the upper arm muscles that are at the back. The steps to perform push ups are as follows:

1. Sleeping on his stomach with his hands on the right side of the left body.

 2. The body is pushed upward with the strength of the hand.

3. The position of the legs and body remains straight or straight.

4. Lower the body while maintaining the condition of the body and legs remain straight.

5. Body down without touching the floor or soil.

6. Rise again and do it repeatedly. From now on do this exercise routinely because doing push-ups routinely proven to lose weight quickly. In addition, the muscles of the body, especially the hands and chest will be stronger and well formed.

#. Other Tips you can try

 1. Consumption of coconut water Coconut water has many benefits, including can increase the body's metabolism, meet the needs of vitamin B, limit hunger and help the thyroid function in losing weight.

For those of you who want to lose weight quickly can consume coconut water, especially green ones regularly every day at least one fruit.

With a routine consume for 1 week hopefully your weight will go down quickly.

2. Avoid fast food Fast food is not good for the health of the body because in it very much contained calories. Generally one serving of fast food has sufficient all the needs of caloric intake in one day. By not consuming fast food in just 1 week your weight will drop drastically.

Therefore, do not ever eat foods like this because it does not have any benefit for the health of the body.

3. Changing calorie drinks with mineral water Drinking plenty of water has several health benefits, including weight loss.

Therefore, change the habit of consuming energy drinks, juice and soda with mineral water. This is so that efforts to lose weight occur significantly in you. When you consume energy drinks or soda, you enter approximately 100 calories or more into the body. While mineral water has no calories, and can help get rid of toxins in the body.

4. Reduce the portion of the meal It is not easy to reduce the daily portion of the meal. In order not to make your body experience various problems slowly reduce the amount of food consumed, especially foods in which many contained fat.

Maybe it's some tip from us try to make a commitment with yourself to start a healthy life and lose weight you do regularly.

Monday, August 28, 2017

How to looking after and treat the iphone you just bought

How to looking after and treat the iphone you just bought

How to looking after and treat the iphone you just bought Whether you are planning to buy an iphone or you just bought it I think you need an ans tric tip to make your iphone work fine forever. The iPhone created by Steve Jobs with a decent price the following tips will show you how to take care of the iphone New you buy to be durable.

How to looking after and treat the iphone you just bought

1. Activate your Iphone and Create an Apple ID When buying a new iPhone you will certainly open the box first then activate the smartphone, do you know what things appear? Unopened iPhone is a notification of language settings and schedules when you first start your iPhone device. That signifies your iPhone is genuine and not fake.

Once completed then you must perform iphone activation and make apple ID which is certainly very useful this information for you. Activate iphone and make apple id aim to sync device to various devices like Iphone with your PC / Mac computer, also serves to protect the device if one day lost or stolen. Creating an Apple ID is pretty easy to do almost identical to registering a new account list on another website only difference we must add a credit card for the integration of iCloud service, iPos, iTunes, iVideo, iBook and others. But do not worry who does not have a credit card, you can create an apple account for free at no cost. Here are the steps when you first turn on your iPhone and how to create a new apple id account easily:

First, turn on your iPhone and you will find a welcome screen with the Apple logo. Wait a few moments until the iPhone recognizes the sim card you are installing, slide to the right in the sections labeled slide to set up to start to set up some initial stuff like:

 Language and location settings Select wifi network (you can choose unavailable network) Next you see "Set Up Your iPhone" (choose Set Up New iPhone for those of you who have never used iPhone or do not have backup files from previous iPhone in iTunes) Apple ID login (you can make it in this menu by choosing Create a Free Apple ID Or later when using iTunes on the computer for easier) Activate iCloud, Find My iPhone, set up Touch ID (for iPhone 5s) and finally create a passcode.

 Siri Activation, after which you will get a welcome screen reads Welcome to iPhone and Get Started on the bottom that you can press to enter the home screen. After the iPhone is over activated the next step is to create a new Apple ID, here's how:

 1. Open iTunes on your device then Log Out from Apple ID that is currently in use.

2. Do not forget you need an Internet network in this case, can use Wifi Hotspot, Data Package, Wireless.

 3. Then open the App Store app on your iPhone, then look for free apps there for example "Documents Free, MM Reader, Waze".

 4. After you select, please click Install and will appear login window because not yet have account. Create your apple id now in this step.

 5. Complete information about yourself as your name, address, date of birth, and agree the apple agreement below by clicking on the box.

6. Then, Click continue. On the next page, you will be prompted for details of your Apple ID. Your username is the email address used. Make sure the email address is not associated with any other Apple services. Fill the form correctly, then after finished click the Continue button.

7. Next will appear menu for payment and credit card activation, select None of the 3 options available are VISA, Mastercard, American Discover, None.

8. Payment Method "None" which has been selected section does not need to be changed, you just fill Billing Address. Enter address data correctly, if fictitious / false can be detected by Apple that will result in your account being blocked.

 9. When finished, on the next page will appear a notice that you must verify the email you were using. Do it immediately, check Inbox, check the Spam folder if it is not in Inbox.

10. finish. You can use iTunes, Download apps in the App Store and already integrated into iCloud system.

2. Install New iTunes on Apple Computers always provide tight security even just to move any file from mobile devices like Iphone / Ipad to computer and notebook. By installing iTunes on your computer or laptop, then you can move / transfer music files, video well. Because without an iTunes app on the computer, if you connect the iPhone device by connecting the USB Charger cable to the laptop port it will be useless because it is not detected. Immediately download and install on this official Apple page. iTunes for Computer PC and Notebook

3. The Apple Iphone device sync makes the iOS and iTunes devices on the computer inseparable. Settings on the iPhone such as entering apps, songs, videos, other files must be via iTunes. Backup or make a copy of your configuration is also done using the iTunes app. Just like restore reformatting your iPhone, you should also use the scaled image software to do it. So make sure your email sync is active to support various Apple services.

4. Grouping Applications per Category Grouping applications into a single menu will certainly look neat and save us to slide. Let's create a category to make it easier and hold the app icon you want to insert and then slide it to the selected category box.

5. Configure iCloud Cloud Service made by Apple that is named iCloud is very helpful for you in terms of syncing your iOS device with computer. For example you can add your friends contacts on the iCloud website via computer and automatically, the contact will appear simultaneously on your other device. How to Enable iCloud on iPhone is through the application Settings - iCloud. Options you can enable are: Mail, Contatcs, Calendars, Reminders, Safari Browser, Notes, Passbook, Podcasts, Photos, Documents & Data and Find My iPhone.

6. Open and Learn iPhone Default Applications Learning the menu and various applications that are embedded in Apple devices are things that you must do. Because knowing each function of each application will make it easier for you to do something and manage the settings.

7. Install iPhone Applications that You Must Have It's impossible your phone left empty, install important applications useful for you like social media needs Facebook, Twitter, BBM, Instagram, Pinterest, Path, LinkedIn, snapchat and some other chat messenger like WhatsApp , Line Messenger, Kakao Talk, WeChat.

8. Tips Saving Battery iPhone 5s in fact only has a battery capacity of 1900mAH of course this is quite a small of the best smartphone in 2015 is an average has 3000 mAH battery power. Therefore, you are very obliged to save battery this may reduce your maximum feeling to manage the device. How to Save an iPhone Battery by:

1. Enabling AirPlane Mode while on the go

2. Turning off WiFi, Mobile Data Package and Bluetooth

 3. Screen brightness minimization

 4. Close the application you're not using

5. Bring the original Powerbank to keep the battery maintained and stable or notLeak

 6. Turn off the device

 7. Enable AssistiveTouch You

certainly do not want when the button on your iPhone is damaged of course. Apple provides AssistiveTouch feature to replace all the functions available on all buttons including home button, screen lock, volume up, volume down, silence / ringer sound, screen capture, series and more. How to enable AssistiveTouch help button is in the section: Settings - General / General - Accessibility - AssistiveTouch Select On to activate.

9. Setting EQ to enable Equalizer Music Music heard from Iphone devices Have a clear, almost no-no-noise sound quality. Moreover, if the songs you have type. APAC /. FLAC and supported with headsets / earphones BOSE, Senheisser, or Audio Technica then very perfect sound quality you hear. But it's good you enable this EQ feature for available music equalizer you can choose and not hidden.

How to activate EQ: Available in Settings menu - select Music icon - EQ Additional Tips for Caring iPhone: Use scratch on the front screen and rear iphone body to protect the device from scratching. Do not make your iPhone wet It will be a big problem. IPhone does not like water a bit. Apple puts water sensors inside the device to tell them whether the iPhone has dropped in the sink (or worse, to the toilet).

We recommend that the iPhone move away from humid environments, such as bathrooms or fluid damage not covered by your warranty. Should invest in an emergency waterproof package like this Kensington EVAP.

If you have a spill, see How to save your damaged iPhone due to water Do not let your iPhone get dirty Every month or so clean it up well to keep dust and dirt away from it. Apple provides the following cleaning suggestions. Use only a soft, lint-free cloth. Abrasion, towel, paper towels, and similar articles may cause damage to the goods.

Disconnect your Apple product from any external source. Disconnect all external devices and other cables from the product. Keep liquids away from the product. Do not expose moisture to any openings, and do not use aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives. Use Mika, Flip Cover, or iPhone Cases to protect your phone when it falls or bumps hard and also protects when it rains and gets wet. Cut your nails, so as not to damage the IPS screen, Alarm settings.

Such is the tips you can do so that your iphone survive for a long time.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

How to make a healthy living by eating soursop leaves feel the benefits

How to make a healthy living by eating soursop leaves feel the benefits

How to make a healthy living by eating soursop leaves feel the benefits Soursop plants that have many benefits for the health of soursop is a fruit that comes from the forests of South America, Africa and Southeast Asia.

This is a green banyan tree that is every part is useful and has a fruit-tasting effect This fruit is very delicious with a sharp aroma and sweet sour taste which is basically a combination of pineapple and strawberry flavor.
Graviola receives attention and popularity because of the nature of killing natural cancer cells.

 Apart from its anti-cancer properties, it has several other medical benefits. Soursop leaves are the most beneficial part of this tree. They contain compounds, Annomurine Higenamine Acetogenin Reticuline Loreximine. Tanin Alkaloid Annocatacin, Annocatalin Annohexocin Annonacin, Annomuricin, Anomurine, Anonol, Gentisic acid caclourine, Linoleic acid, Gigantetronin Muricapentocin. Asimycin and squamosin.

 Scientific research conducted by The National Cancer Institute has proved that soursop leaves can effectively attack and destroy cancer cells. In addition, they are also used in the treatment of several other diseases. Soursop Health Benefits: Soursop leaf is rich in several compounds including protein, calcium, fructose, fat, vitamins A and B and the like.

Thus, the leaves have excellent medicinal properties that can be useful as a herb in some herbal health products. The health benefits of soursop leaves are as follows.

 1. Cancer Treatment: Soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cells and cure cancer more quickly and effectively than chemotherapy that result in some side effects other than expensive. In fact, research has proven that soursop has an active ingredient that is 10000 times stronger than chemotherapy in the fight against cancer cells. Thus, soursop leaves can treat various types of cancer including prostate cancer, lung and breast. For treatment, boil 10 soursop leaves in 3 cups water until only one glass of water, strain and chill and drink this herb every morning for 3-4 weeks to find out the condition improvements. Soursop leaf cancer treatment is one of the most powerful drugs to date.

 2. Uric Acid Treatment: Eating soursop leaves can be very helpful in treating gout. In fact, many alternative drugs using soursop leaves for the treatment of uric acid. For this purpose, take 6 to 10 soursop leaves that are old but stay green and clean. Boil the leaves in 2 cups of water and let it boil until one cup of water is left. This herb should be taken twice a day ie morning and evening to get maximum benefits.

 3. Treatment Back Pain: Back pain is usually experienced lately, especially during exercise. Using chemical drugs for back pain can cause side effects. Soursop leaf is an effective herbal remedy for treating back pain without negative effects. You can boil 20 soursop leaves in 5 cups water until only 3 glasses of water remaining. Drink ¾ cup of this herb once a day to remove it.

4. Eczema and Rheumatic Treatment: Rheumatic diseases are generally observed in the elderly, causing great pain. Soursop leaf is a natural treatment for arthritis pain. For this purpose, mask the soursop leaves until it becomes smooth and apply on areas of the body that are exposed to pain due to arthritis and eczema, regularly twice daily.

5. Diabetes Treatment: Normal sugar levels range from 70 mg to 120 mg. Nutrition in soursop leaves is believed to stabilize blood sugar levels in the normal range. In addition, soursop leaf extract can be used as one of the natural diabetes solutions. All this makes this leaf useful for diabetics.

6. Boost Immune System and Prevent Infection: The nutritional content of soursop leaves is believed to boost the immune system and avoid infection in the body. Boil 4/5 soursop leaves in 4 cups of water until one cup of water is fixed and drink this herb regularly once a day for beneficial results.

7. Other benefits: In addition to the benefits mentioned above, soursop leaves are very effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria, viruses, parasites and tumor development. Their healing properties make them capable of being used as an anti-seizure drug. They are also able to reduce fever and lower high blood pressure. They help in treating inflammation and swelling legs. They help digestion and increase appetite. The consumption of soursop leaves regularly helps in increasing stamina and facilitates rapid recovery of the disease.The Benefits of Soursop Leaf Skin: Because the efficacy of the medicine leaves soursop is very beneficial for health. As indicated earlier, they are used in the treatment of some of the most deadly diseases. The leaves offer some skin benefits as well.

 8. Ulcer Treatment: Ulcers are skin disorders characterized by tremendous pain and even have an increased risk of infection. Ulcers can occur on the body or in the face, thus disrupting the health and beauty of your skin. Soursop leaf is a natural remedy for healing ulcers. You can take some young soursop leaves and put them on the body affected by ulcers.

 9. Eczema Treatment: As stated earlier, soursop leaves can treat eczema naturally. You can pound some soursop leaves and apply them in the affected area twice daily on a regular basis. This will help ease the pain caused by eczema in addition to treating it. Pulp made with fresh soursop leaves and rose water when applied to the skin can be very useful in preventing the occurrence of blackheads and other skin problems as well.

10.Improve fertility. namely increasing the number of sper-ma in men and strengthen rahimbagi woman.

 11.prevent and eliminate the hair and egg lice quickly. heart health with a maximum of

13. Containing natural minerals that can help improve milk production in pregnant women.

14. Overcome the constriction of blood vessels, so the circulation becomes more smoothly.

15. Overcoming the dizziness caused by stress Strengthens the digestive system and absorption of food nutrition.

16.prevent cancer breast, prostate, lungs, and pancreas

17.prevent and treat tumors, cysts, and myomas Inhibits the growth of parasites in the body, and worms.

 18. Overcoming the tense muscles and stiff rheumatic anti-seizure There are

two ways to get the benefits of soursop leaves, among others:

 1. With how to eat, here's how to wash 5-10 leaves of green soursop leaves and fresh Boil with 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups Drink while warm Or Wash soursop leaves 5-10 strands of blander until smooth Boil with 4 cups water until remaining 2 cups Strain and drink while warm Can also be processed into soursop leaf tea.

Here is how to make soursop leaf tea:

 Choose fresh soursop leaves but not too old and not too young Make sure to wash it first Setelh it soursop leaves soursop leaves so that soursop leaves can be extracted perfectly when brewed Dry soursop leaves, and preferably with an oven with Temperature 60 degrees Celsius to the water content of only 8 percent Can also be dried in the sun but this will reduce the content of soursop leaves. Soursop leaf

tea is ready to be packed and consumed. If you want to consume 2 tablespoons soursop leaf in 200ml boiling water, wait until warm nails then add honey to add flavor.

2. Used as an outside remedy the following way: Blander soursop leaf green fresh enough Use to compress or mask or paste on the wounded skin How to Treat the leaves of Soursop Mejadi Fresh and Delicious To be able to you regular consumption, in addition to the above way you also Can make a nice drink fresh dab from soursop leaf. The following way:

 1. Pure soursop juice delicious and fresh Ingredients:

50 grams of green and fresh soursop leaves 1-2 tablespoons of pure honey 150 cc mature water Ice cubes How to make soursop juice delicious and fresh as follows:

Wash leaf Soursop until completely clean Blander soursop leaves until smooth along with 150 cc boiled water. Strain and discard the dregs and pour the soursop leaves into the glass, Add the honey as sweetener, Enter Ice

2. Green smoothies soursop leaves mix fruit Ingredients: 1 handful of soursop leaf 100 grams kiwi fruit 100 grams citrus fruit 1 slice ginger 1 teaspoon Walnut seeds How to make green smoothies:

Wash off soursop leaves and cut into small pieces Sweet orange juice Sweet orange juice taken Blander soursop leaf that has been cut into small pieces until smooth together with sweet orange juice, kiwi fruit, and ginger. Strain and Pour the smoothies into the glass, add a walnut topping To refresh the ice cubes

Note: For people with low blood pressure and pregnant women is not recommended to consume boiled water soursop leaves.

How to get rid of acne and acne scars with soursop leaves

 1. Drink boiled water soursop leaves Consume boiled water soursop leaves useful for tightening the skin and prevent skin wrinkles and help remove acne from the inside, how to boil 10 helain leaves with 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup only , drink this boiled water 2 times a day.

 2. Soursop leaf mask How to deal with acne can with soursop leaves mask. The way is to mash 10 soursop leaves that are still green until smooth kamudian mix with roses water bath and stirred flat to menyrupai pasta, use as a mask and let stand for 30 minutes.

 Note: for pregnant women is not recommended to consume boiled water soursop leaf.

Saturday, August 26, 2017



HEALTHY LIVING WITH THE POWER AND BENEFITS OF MORINGA OLIEFERA. Moringa oleifera plant may be you know with this plant or no one knows the plants Moringa oleifera. Moringa oleifera for this plant has great benefits for the body, anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory containing high polyphenols, which serves as an antioxidant that is useful to detoxify the human body that will boost the immune system so as not easily attacked by disease.

 Because of the many benefits and properties of the scientists call it The Miracle Tree "(Plant Magic) Plant Moringa oleifera is a plant of the Moringaceae tribe that has a stem of about 7 to 11 meters tall, with a yellowish-white flowers that smell with the smell of fragrant odor, and has a fruit with a triangular shape extends Have done research on moringa oliefera leaf plants, both on the leaves, bark, fruit and seeds, known since 1980 the majority of the population countries Somalia, etiopoa and sudan make leaf moringa oliefera as a vegetable and believed useful to keep health, and even the results of this plant they are traded WHO (World health organization) recommends that children and infants who are still growing to consume leaf moringa oliefera for nutritious to maintain and improve immunity and prevent malnutrition in children. Show that leaves m Oringa oliefera contains all the essential elements of amino acid (essential).

 Except for vitamin C, all nutrients contained in fresh moringa oliefera leaves will increase (concentration) if consumed by dried and mashed in the form of powder (flour). Facts Moringa oleifera benefits will be even greater if processed into moringa oleifera leaf powder than if leaf moringa oliefera consumed directly as a soup But despite the benefits and efficacy for good health stay if consumed regularly.

In addition it has found the amazing essential nutrients in moringa oliefera leaves, among others, contain potassium three times more than bananas. Calcium content in moringa oliefera leaves Four times more than milk. In leaf moringa oliefera contain Vitamin C Seven times more than oranges. And the ingredients of vitamin A in the leaves of moringa oliefera Four times more than in carrots and double the protein than milk. there are benefits and efficacy of moringa oliefera as follows:

 1. Benefits of moringa oliefera leaf to treat Heart Disease A scientific study conducted in laboratory animals published in the February 2009 issue of "Journal of Medicinal Food" explains the benefits of leaf moringa oliefera can prevent damage Heart and useful as an antioxidant. The study explains that dosing 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight daily for 30 days results in lower levels of oxidized lipids and protected cardiac tissue from structural damage. Therefore the experts concluded that the benefits of leaf moringa oliefera very significant for heart health.

 2. Benefits of moringa oliefera leaf as an anti-cancer Study of tissue culture of human cervical cancer cells published in the June 2011 issue of the journal "Food and Chemical Toxicology." The study explains that Moringa leaf extract is useful for supporting early cell death, preventing cell growth and reproduction. Cancer cells. Leading researchers concluded that Moringa leaves showed potential for natural prevention.

3. Benefits leaf moringa oliefera anti diabetes Zinc nutrition on the leaves of moringa oliefera is a useful mineral for insulin production. In scientific studies have conducted trials in laboratory animals published in the June 2012 edition of the "Journal of Diabetes," Each giving extracts of 150 milligrams is beneficial as a significant anti diabetic.

4. Benefits of leaf moringa oliefera to overcome allergies are also effective and powerful to overcome allergies by taking three sticks and boiled, plus pulasari secukupnya, one clove of onion, with water as much as three cups, boil until boiling water and the remaining two cups. Then filtered and drank every day on a regular basis.

 5. Efficacy leaf moringa oliefera to treat herpes disease, ringworm and wound fester, The disease you can treat with Moringa leaves by way of: mash the seven leaves kelor leaf until smooth and diitempelkan on the skin allergy problem.

6. Benefits of moringa oliefera leaves to treat sore eyes If you suffer from sore eyes immediately with moringa oliefera leaves the way it is three stems kelor leaf diblander until smooth and add 100ml water. Then squeezed until they get the Moringa leaf juice. Use leaf juice as an eyewash or simply drop.

7. Benefits daunmoringa oliefera can overcome jaundice Called jaundice because the disease is characterized by yellow organs usually on the eyes, nails, and other limbs. This disease is actually due to swelling of the liver caused by the virus. to overcome jaundice you can use the herb leaves moringa oliefera how to mash until smooth 3-7 sticks kelor leaf add 1 glass green coconut water then squeeze and strain. Before drinking should add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink this concoction once a day until the jaundice heals.

 8. Efficacy leaf moringa oliefera Helps cure eyes Night bled and eye irritation Mash until completely smooth 3 handle leaf oliefera then brewed with 1 cup boiling water let stand a few moments while stirring then strain. Wait until cool or warm nails then add with a few spoons of pure honey. Drink this concoction before bedtime .

9. Benefits of moringa leaf oliefera to lose weight Got a problem of obesity or obesity, or belly fat would make you suffer and appear not confident. If this is your problem, try to solve it with moringa oliefera leaves. By consuming Moringa leaf tea regularly and regularly is very helpful to deal with digestive problems, thus stimulating the metabolism to burn calories faster. Because kelor tea is easily absorbed into the intestine.

 10. Benefits of leaf moringa oliefera as a provider of energy With regularly consume kelor leaf tea every morning beneficial to strengthen body parts to stay pro active throughout the whole day. The body will automatically feel good and energized from before.

11. Leaves moringa oliefera nutritious as a provider of nutrition Tea moringa oliefera very important role to maintain the brain and eyes. Brain nutrition helps her to make the right decisions even in difficult situations.

12. Benefits of leaf moringa oliefera to Eliminate facial spots, whiten the skin, eliminate acne and blackheads Not only the disease even leaves moringa oliefera we can use to overcome the black spots, pimples and blackheads on the face how: blender a handful of young kelor leaves to really Fine then used for powder or can also mixed with powder as mask let stand 25-30 minutes then wash again.

 13. Leaves moringa oliefera as a source of iron Maybe not everyone knows that the young leaves are usually consumed iron contains three times greater than the leaves of spinach.

14. Leaves moringa oliefera as a source of essential amino acids In the leaves there is an essential amino acid is a protein element that serves to repair and maintain the body's cells. The human body is capable of producing only about 10 to 12 amino acids while 8 types of essential amino acids must be met through the daily dietary intake of nutrients.

15. The roots of moringa oliefera plant can overcome various diseases While the roots of plants can be used as a traditional medicine to improve the circulatory system, prevent inflammation, increase appetite, good for digestion, and no less interesting is the leaf moringa oliefera useful to overcome male virility. And female reproductive tract problems.

16. Leaves moringa oliefera without side effects Consuming in large quantities will not adversely affect health, because there is absolutely no side effects either when consumed by adults or by children.

17. Leaf moringa oliefera This helps to reduce some of the symptoms of diabetes. Moringa leaf powder has been effective in reducing lipid and glucose levels and regulating oxidative stress in diabetic patients, which means lowering blood sugar and cholesterol and increasing protection against cell damage.

 How to Make Tea Leaves moringa oliefera Provide leaves moringa oliefera dark green as much as possible and then dry, but do not dry under the sun or diopen, because drying leaves oliefera moringa will reduce even eliminate the leaf content Leaves moringa oliefera tea that has been dried and crushed Until smooth, keep the tea leaves in a dry and tight place.